Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Press Release

Today I created my first press release! I was assigned to type up a document for the summer camps that I am marketing.  I used a template from a previous press release and here is what I came up with.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Summer Camps

This week I've been assigned to create the marketing plan for the upcoming summer camps.  The first part was to design a poster advertising the camps with their times and dates.  Then I created a marketing plan document illustrating all of the components needed to effectively advertise the camps.  For the marketing plan I did some research on the target markets, survey responses, and also prices for advertising in places such as TV, radio, and local newspapers. I also learned that we can get free advertising if the local paper covers a story on the summer camps, so we will be looking into that more next week.  I will be designing a banner to be put up in the city, learning how facebook promoted ads work, and possibly writing a press release for the paper.

Here is the poster I have created that is being sent into print and also the draft of the marketing plan.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Magazine Ad

I was asked to create a magazine ad for the Parks and Recreation department activity guide.  The ad is for a survey they are conducting in order to get local's feedback in order to improve and grow.

Here is the first draft I created (before we corrected the dimensions)

and here is the final draft that will be printed into the activity guide tomorrow morning!