Friday, May 2, 2014

Summer Camp banners

Today I created the FB cover photo for the Parks and Recreation page and also a banner that will be printed large and hung downtown.  Ive been keeping a theme through all of the marketing pieces for the summer camps and I really like it. The colors are a lot brighter in the real version, they are showing up darker here.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Press Release

Today I created my first press release! I was assigned to type up a document for the summer camps that I am marketing.  I used a template from a previous press release and here is what I came up with.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Summer Camps

This week I've been assigned to create the marketing plan for the upcoming summer camps.  The first part was to design a poster advertising the camps with their times and dates.  Then I created a marketing plan document illustrating all of the components needed to effectively advertise the camps.  For the marketing plan I did some research on the target markets, survey responses, and also prices for advertising in places such as TV, radio, and local newspapers. I also learned that we can get free advertising if the local paper covers a story on the summer camps, so we will be looking into that more next week.  I will be designing a banner to be put up in the city, learning how facebook promoted ads work, and possibly writing a press release for the paper.

Here is the poster I have created that is being sent into print and also the draft of the marketing plan.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Magazine Ad

I was asked to create a magazine ad for the Parks and Recreation department activity guide.  The ad is for a survey they are conducting in order to get local's feedback in order to improve and grow.

Here is the first draft I created (before we corrected the dimensions)

and here is the final draft that will be printed into the activity guide tomorrow morning!

Friday, March 28, 2014

50+ Photography

For the marketing department we have photographs of events and activities to use to promote the parks and activities happening.  It was brought to our attention that we did not have many images of the 50+ participants and even less of them having fun being active. So, on Wednesday I went and took photographs of this age group doing zumba and of pickle ball on Thursday.  Here are a few of the images, I still need to edit and find the best ones but this was a great opportunity to practice my photography skills and see the things we are promoting and advertising.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Softball Advertisement

I created a quick design for a softball event that needed advertising for.

Easter Egg Hunt Poster

The two weeks before spring break I was given an assignment to create a poster for the Easter Egg Hunt coming up. Shortly after I also created a postcard to be sent out for the event.  Both have gone through printing and are now being used as advertisements for this event.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Gift Guide Brochure Continued

After presenting the last version of the brochure Ashley suggested some small changes and here is the newest version of the brochure.  I'm very happy with the design. Next I'm scheduled to work on an Easter Egg Hunt poster.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Gift Guide Brochure

My first official project is to create a "Gift Guide" brochure that provides the information for people to understand how to donate to the parks and recreation department.  It will be visually informative and provide examples and suggestions to make it easier. This is (at the moment) my final version. For the future I will try to upload images of works as I am working and making adjustments so you can see the progress of projects.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Blog Research

For my first assignment, I need to research blogs of other Parks and Recreation departments, either successful or not.  So far I have found a couple successful blogs:

Each of these blogs / websites are visually engaging, not overwhelming with text, organized, and easy to navigate. We will need to incorporate these same aspects into Lynchburg's blog, and make sure it is updated regularly to keep traffic going through and hopefully raising awareness of city events.